Friday, March 17, 2006
Buenos Aires
"In London you have the Blues, in Buenos Aires we have the Tango"
Last night I found myself crammed into a tiny bar somewhere out to the west of town, off the usual tourist-beaten track with a room full of Porteños just a couple of other "extranjeros" listening to a couple of old guys singing tango songs - which sounds fairly dreadful but was an incredible night out. The whole experience was enhanced by the wonderfully friendly local crowd.
There were the inevitable digs about "The Hand of God" and a more serious moment when, in relative good humour, the Falklands War came up in converstaion. I´ve found it´s generally easier just to act ignorant in both situations!
Today it has been chucking down with rain and I have retreated into the hostel with a stack of alfajores (very chocolatey things), while they fumigate the rooms for bed bugs, hmmm....
Last night I found myself crammed into a tiny bar somewhere out to the west of town, off the usual tourist-beaten track with a room full of Porteños just a couple of other "extranjeros" listening to a couple of old guys singing tango songs - which sounds fairly dreadful but was an incredible night out. The whole experience was enhanced by the wonderfully friendly local crowd.

Today it has been chucking down with rain and I have retreated into the hostel with a stack of alfajores (very chocolatey things), while they fumigate the rooms for bed bugs, hmmm....